Wednesday 14 October 2009

Evaluation of filming the first scene

We filmed the scene of the party on Monday. Chris used his HD camera and I gave everyone punk style clothing to wear so that all the people at the party fitted in and looked similar. However we asked the goon to wear chavier style clothing so that he stuck out and would be noticed as being different. We had the first problem of only having one black curtain to cover the windows, however this was very effective on the main window, we used a dustsheet from Chris' house to cover the other window but saw that it was not dark enough, however we solved this problem but using green tarpauling as well, tucked into the edge of the doors which we then closed to keep it all secure.
I had empty bottles of Jack Daniels, however this was not enough so we asked people to bring some if they had them, which we filled up with tea so it matched the colours of the original liquid, we scattered these around the room so that it would look more like a typical teenagers party, I think this idea turned out quite well.
We put on music from my laptop, played it through speakers and asked people to dance, talk and just act as they would if they were at at party. Chris walked around with the camera using many different angles whilst people were doing this, however we did not tell them that they were being filmed so that it would look less staged and more realistic, hopefully when we edit all of our shots together and fast forward this scene everything will fit.
Overall, I think it was a successful day of filming as we filmed many shots so that we had a lot to choose from, everything turned out as we wanted. We will bring these shots in on tuesday and upload them to the mac's so we can see what we have.

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